A little over 11 years and counting is a long time to serve children. I always wanted a place and space to display and discuss, all that knowledge, resources, and shared concerns. I know my life, would be so different, without the enrichment of those experiences. I learned so much from the children that I have cared for, counseled, advocated for, and served.
While caring for children with developmental and different abilities, I learned to always be adaptable. They taught me, that an obstacle, is merely a chance, to learn and develop a new skill.
While counseling and advocating for children, who suffered through trauma-physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, I learned the value of finding strength within oneself. It was difficult knowing that I never quite knew, or had very little control, over HOW their world evolved once they stepped out my door. But I was comforted and even inspired, by the thought that; the cultivation of healthy coping and self-regulation skills, armed and even assisted them, in finding authenticity in themselves.
With increased confidence and security, they were able to practice, perfect, and reinforce executive functioning skills that built personal accountability. These skills would be valuable to own one's actions, increase focus and work, while filtering out distractions. Useful in an uncertain environment or acted upon by an outside force.
While in healthcare, I simply enjoyed the act of taking care of my patients and clients, and the kiddies were no different. The ailments were a little more intensified and they were less apt, to be able, to describe the pain. But they continually reminded me, that we are all growing and changing; and that, dignity is a right, that grows along with us.
Regardless of the population I cared and served. I am continually inspired by the resilience of children.
“Here is my secret. It’s quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes"- Antoine St-Exupery (Le Petit Prince)